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(next door to Zesto)

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Agency Name Phone/Fax Email Address
Driver Licensing
1. Aberdeen Driver License Exam Station
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**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesday-Friday, 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.



ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 2729 W Highway 12
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Accident Records
2. Accident Records
Map It
ph. (605) 773-3868 Email 118 West Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Driver Licensing
3. Armour Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

2nd & 3rd Thursday 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 2:30 p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Court House
706 Braddock Street
Armour, SD 57313
Driver Licensing
4. Aurora Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday-Friday 8AM to Noon and 12:30PM to 4PM

ph. (605) 942-7161 Register of Deeds
401 North Main Street PO Box 397
Plankinton, SD 57368
Driver Licensing
5. Belle Fourche Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesdays 8:30 4:15 p.m.

Applications accepted until 3:45 p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) City Hall
511 6th Avenue
Belle Fourche, SD 57717
Driver Licensing
6. Brookings Driver License Exam Station **New location - see address below**
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

NOTE NEW LOCATION -- 1012 22nd Avenue South - next to Zesto

Tuesday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Next to Zesto
1012 22nd Avenue South
Brookings, SD 57006
Driver Licensing
7. Campbell Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

Dates and hours vary each month.

Open February 19, 2025 from 9AM-11AM and 1PM-3PM by appointment only.
Open February 26, 2025 from 9AM-11AM and 1PM-3PM by appointment only
Call 605-955-3388 to schedule an appointment.

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

ph. (605) 955-3388 Treasurer
111 2nd Street PO Box 8
Mound City, SD 57646
Driver Licensing
8. Chamberlain Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesdays 8:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m.

Drive tests are not conducted between 11AM and 1PM.

Applications accepted until 3:15 p.m.



ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Courthouse
300 South Courtland Street
Chamberlain, SD 57325
Driver Licensing
9. City of Freeman Driver License Office (City Issue)
Map It | Hours

This is a City-Issuance location.  This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

By appointment only - first Tuesday of every month 1PM-7PM. 


ph. (605) 925-7003 Freeman Public Library
322 South Main Street
Freeman, SD 57029
Driver Licensing
10. Corson Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM-10:30AM and 1PM-3:30PM


ph. (605) 273-4552 Treasurer
108 1st Street East PO Box 285
McIntosh, SD 57641
Driver Licensing
11. Custer Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

First Three Wednesdays 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:00 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) County Courthouse Annex
447 Crook Street
Custer, SD 57730
Driver Licensing
12. Deuel Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citzens or first-time CDL applicants.

Wednesdays 8:30AM-Noon and 1PM-5PM

ph. 6058748212 400 4th Street W
Clearlake, SD 57226
Driver Licensing
13. Dewey County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM-11AM and 1PM-4PM.  No services on the last business day of the month.

ph. (605) 865-3661 Register of Deeds
710 C Street PO Box 117
Timber Lake, SD 57656
Driver Licensing
14. Driver Licensing (Administration)
Map It | Hours

Call Center operations 8AM to 5PM Central Time.

Driver licenses/ID cards NOT issued from this location.  See Pierre Driver Exam Station.


ph. (605) 773-6883
fax (605) 773-3018
Email 118 West Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Driver Licensing
15. Edmunds County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM-Noon and 1PM-5PM

ph. (605) 426-6762 Auditor
210 2nd Avenue PO Box 97
Ipswich, SD 57451
Driver Licensing
16. Elk Point Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

First & Third Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 3:30 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 106 West Pleasant Street
Elk Point, SD 57025
Driver Licensing
17. Faulk County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

January:  Thursdays
February, March, April, May & June:  Tuesdays & Thursdays
July & August:  Tuesdays
September:  Tuesdays & Thursdays
October:  Thursdays
November & December:  Tuesdays & Thursdays

Open by appointment between 9AM and 4:30PM on the days listed above -- call (605) 598-6221.

ph. (605) 598-6221 Treasurer
110 9th Avenue PO Box 309
Faulkton, SD 57438
Driver Licensing
18. Gregory County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 7:30AM-Noon and 12:30PM-4PM.  For testing, arrive before 11AM or 3PM.

ph. (605) 775-2664 Auditor
221 East 8th Street PO Box 437
Burke, SD 57523
Driver Licensing
19. Haakon County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Tuesdays and Fridays 9AM-Noon and 1PM-3:30PM (closed over the Noon hour).  Closed the last week of April and October.

ph. (605) 859-2612 140 South Howard
Philip, SD 57567
Driver Licensing
20. Hamlin County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday  8:30AM-3:30PM -- by appointment only -- call (605) 783-3206


ph. (605) 783-3206 Register of Deeds
300 4th Street PO Box 56
Hayti, SD 57241
Driver Licensing
21. Hand County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM-Noon and 12;30PM to 4:30PM.  Drive tests by appointment only -- call (605) 853-3512.

ph. (605) 853-3512 Register of Deeds
415 West 1st Avenue
Miller, SD 57362
Driver Licensing
22. Harding County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Thursday 7:30AM-Noon and 12:30PM-5PM
Fridays 7:30AM-11:30AM
​​​​​​​New drivers must apply within 30 minutes of closing and CDL renewals must apply at least an hour before closing.


ph. (605) 375-3542 Treasurer
410 Ramsland PO Box 125
Buffalo, SD 57720
Highway Patrol
23. Highway Patrol
Map It
ph. (605) 773-3105 Email 118 West Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Highway Safety
24. Highway Safety
Map It
ph. (605) 773-4949 Email 118 West Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Homeland Security
25. Homeland Security
Map It
ph. (605) 773-3450 Email 118 West Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Driver Licensing
26. Hot Springs Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Fridays 7:30 a.m.- 5:15 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:15 p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Senior Center
206 South Chicago Street
Hot Springs, SD 57747
Driver Licensing
27. Huron Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 7:00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.




ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) The Center Plaza
289 Dakota Avenue South, Suite 5
Huron, SD 57350
Driver Licensing
28. Hyde County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Thursday 7:30AM-11AM and 12:30PM-3:30PM
All testing by appointment only -- call (605) 852-2510



ph. (605) 852-2510 Treasurer
412 Commercial Street
Highmore, SD 57345
State Inspections
Weights & Measures
29. Inspections / Weights & Measures
Map It
ph. (605) 773-3697 Email 118 West Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Driver Licensing
30. Jackson County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

By appointment only -- call court house to schedule -- see times below.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday (closed on Wednesdays) - 10AM-Noon and 1PM-2:30PM. 

ph. (605) 837-2420 Register of Deeds
700 Main Street, PO Box 248
Kadoka, SD 57543
Highway Patrol
31. Jefferson Port of Entry
Map It
ph. (605) 224-SEMI (7364) I-29 MP 13
PO Box 1158
North Sioux City, SD 57049
Driver Licensing
32. Jerauld County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Open 9AM-Noon and 1PM-4PM.

ph. (605) 539-1241 Treasurer
205 Wallace Avenue South PO Box L
Wessington Springs, SD 57382
Driver Licensing
33. Lemmon Driver License Office (City Issue)
Map It | Hours

This is a City-Issuance location.  This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

By appointment only -- Wednesdays and Thursdays 1PM to 3:30PM.  Call (605) 374-5681.

ph. (605) 374-5681 City Finance
303 1st Avenue West
Lemmon, SD 57638
Driver Licensing
34. Lyman County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This is a county issuance location.  This location cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM to Noon and 1PM-4PM (closed over the Noon hour).

ph. (605) 869-2295 Treasurer
300 Main Street PO Box 37
Kennebec, SD 57544
Driver Licensing
35. Madison Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesdays 9:00 a.m.- 3:45 p.m.

Applications for testing accepted until 2:15 p.m.  All other applications accepted until 2:45 p.m.



ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 4-H Building
1000 South Egan Avenue
Madison, SD 57042
Driver Licensing
36. Martin Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Fourth Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 2:30 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 202 Main Street
Martin, SD 57754
Driver Licensing
37. McPherson County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens, first-time CDL applicants, or process CDL renewals.

Tuesdays and Thursdays 9AM-11AM and 1PM-4PM


ph. (605) 439-3151 Register of Deeds Office
706 Main Street
Leola, SD 57456
Driver Licensing
38. Mellette County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM-11AM and 1PM-5PM

ph. (605) 259-3050 Register of Deeds
321 East 4th Street PO Box 183
White River, SD 57579
Driver Licensing
39. Milbank Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Thursdays 8:15 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 3:30 p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) City Hall
1001 E. 4th Avenue
Milbank, SD 57252
Driver Licensing
40. Mitchell Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesday - Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 1315 North Main Street Suite 100
Mitchell, SD 57301
Driver Licensing
41. Mobridge Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesday & Wednesday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.

No motorcycle drive tests at this site as of 10/15/2024. 

Directions to Mobridge Exam Station



ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) National Guard Armory
1213 Lakefront Drive
Mobridge, SD 57601 No motorcycle drive tests after 10/15/2024
Highway Patrol
42. Motor Carrier Division
Map It
ph. (605) 773-4578
fax (605) 773-7144
118 West Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Driver Licensing
43. North Sioux City Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Second, Fourth & Fifth Wednesday 8:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 3:30 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Community Center
205 Sodrac Drive
North Sioux City, SD 57049
Emergency Management
44. Office of Emergency Management
Map It
ph. (605) 773-3231 Email 118 West Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Driver Licensing
45. Parker Driver License Exam Station**Currently closed due to conditions at Turner County Courthouse**
Map It | Hours

Closed currently due to conditions at Turner County Courthouse.  We would be happy to assist you at any of our other locations across the state.

First Tuesday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:00 p.m.




ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Court House
400 South Main Street
Parker, SD 57053
Driver Licensing
46. Perkins County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Thursday 7:30AM-5PM
Fridays - 7:30AM-Noon only


ph. (605) 244-5624 Finance Director
100 East Main Street PO Box 126
Bison, SD 57620
Driver Licensing
47. Pierre Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Wednesday & Thursday 7:00a.m. - 5:30p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30p.m.



ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 420 South Garfield, Suite 700
N of Wells Ave/Hwy 34, N of Holiday station
Pierre, SD 57501
Driver Licensing
48. Pine Ridge Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Closed from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. for lunch

Applications accepted until 3:00 p.m.





ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Airport Access Road
Highway 18 East
Pine Ridge, SD 57770
Driver Licensing
49. Potter County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Wednesdays by appointment only.  9AM-3:30PM
Call (605) 765-9414 to schedule an appointment.  


ph. (605) 765-9414 County Extension Office
205 West Commercial Northeast Suite
Gettysburg, SD 57442
Driver Licensing
50. Rapid City Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Corner of South Highway 79 and Catron Boulevard (Highway 16 Bypass)
1301 East Catron Boulevard
Rapid City, SD 57701

74 results. 10 | 25 | 50 per page.