New location:
(next door to Zesto)

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Driver Licensing


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Agency Name Phone/Fax Email Address
Driver Licensing
1. Aberdeen Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesday-Friday, 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.



ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 2729 W Highway 12
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Driver Licensing
2. Armour Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

2nd & 3rd Thursday 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 2:30 p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Court House
706 Braddock Street
Armour, SD 57313
Driver Licensing
3. Aurora Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday-Friday 8AM to Noon and 12:30PM to 4PM

ph. (605) 942-7161 Register of Deeds
401 North Main Street PO Box 397
Plankinton, SD 57368
Driver Licensing
4. Belle Fourche Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesdays 8:30 4:15 p.m.

Applications accepted until 3:45 p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) City Hall
511 6th Avenue
Belle Fourche, SD 57717
Driver Licensing
5. Brookings Driver License Exam Station **New location - see address below**
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

NOTE NEW LOCATION -- 1012 22nd Avenue South - next to Zesto

Tuesday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Next to Zesto
1012 22nd Avenue South
Brookings, SD 57006
Driver Licensing
6. Campbell Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

Dates and hours vary each month.

Open April 10, 2025 from 9AM-11AM and 1PM-3PM by appointment only.
Open April 24, 2025 from 9AM-11AM and 1PM-3PM by appointment only
Call 605-955-3388 to schedule an appointment.

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

ph. (605) 955-3388 Treasurer
111 2nd Street PO Box 8
Mound City, SD 57646
Driver Licensing
7. Chamberlain Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesdays 8:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m.

Drive tests are not conducted between 11AM and 1PM.

Applications accepted until 3:15 p.m.



ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Courthouse
300 South Courtland Street
Chamberlain, SD 57325
Driver Licensing
8. City of Freeman Driver License Office (City Issue)
Map It | Hours

This is a City-Issuance location.  This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

By appointment only - first Tuesday of every month 1PM-7PM. 


ph. (605) 925-7003 Freeman Public Library
322 South Main Street
Freeman, SD 57029
Driver Licensing
9. Corson Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM-10:30AM and 1PM-3:30PM


ph. (605) 273-4552 Treasurer
108 1st Street East PO Box 285
McIntosh, SD 57641
Driver Licensing
10. Custer Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

First Three Wednesdays 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:00 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) County Courthouse Annex
447 Crook Street
Custer, SD 57730
Driver Licensing
11. Deuel Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citzens or first-time CDL applicants.

Wednesdays 8:30AM-Noon and 1PM-5PM

ph. 6058748212 400 4th Street W
Clearlake, SD 57226
Driver Licensing
12. Dewey County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM-11AM and 1PM-4PM.  No services on the last business day of the month.

ph. (605) 865-3661 Register of Deeds
710 C Street PO Box 117
Timber Lake, SD 57656
Driver Licensing
13. Driver Licensing (Administration)
Map It | Hours

Call Center operations 8AM to 5PM Central Time.

Driver licenses/ID cards NOT issued from this location.  See Pierre Driver Exam Station.


ph. (605) 773-6883
fax (605) 773-3018
Email 118 West Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Driver Licensing
14. Edmunds County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM-Noon and 1PM-5PM

ph. (605) 426-6762 Auditor
210 2nd Avenue PO Box 97
Ipswich, SD 57451
Driver Licensing
15. Elk Point Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

First & Third Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 3:30 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 106 West Pleasant Street
Elk Point, SD 57025
Driver Licensing
16. Faulk County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

January:  Thursdays
February, March, April, May & June:  Tuesdays & Thursdays
July & August:  Tuesdays
September:  Tuesdays & Thursdays
October:  Thursdays
November & December:  Tuesdays & Thursdays

Open by appointment between 9AM and 4:30PM on the days listed above -- call (605) 598-6221.

ph. (605) 598-6221 Treasurer
110 9th Avenue PO Box 309
Faulkton, SD 57438
Driver Licensing
17. Gregory County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 7:30AM-Noon and 12:30PM-4PM.  For testing, arrive before 11AM or 3PM.

ph. (605) 775-2664 Auditor
221 East 8th Street PO Box 437
Burke, SD 57523
Driver Licensing
18. Haakon County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Tuesdays and Fridays 9AM-Noon and 1PM-3:30PM (closed over the Noon hour).  Closed the last week of April and October.

ph. (605) 859-2612 140 South Howard
Philip, SD 57567
Driver Licensing
19. Hamlin County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday  8:30AM-3:30PM -- by appointment only -- call (605) 783-3206


ph. (605) 783-3206 Register of Deeds
300 4th Street PO Box 56
Hayti, SD 57241
Driver Licensing
20. Hand County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM-Noon and 12;30PM to 4:30PM.  Drive tests by appointment only -- call (605) 853-3512.

ph. (605) 853-3512 Register of Deeds
415 West 1st Avenue
Miller, SD 57362
Driver Licensing
21. Harding County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Thursday 7:30AM-Noon and 12:30PM-5PM
Fridays 7:30AM-11:30AM
​​​​​​​New drivers must apply within 30 minutes of closing and CDL renewals must apply at least an hour before closing.


ph. (605) 375-3542 Treasurer
410 Ramsland PO Box 125
Buffalo, SD 57720
Driver Licensing
22. Hot Springs Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Fridays 7:30 a.m.- 5:15 p.m.  

Applications accepted until 4:15 p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Senior Center
206 South Chicago Street
Hot Springs, SD 57747
Driver Licensing
23. Huron Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 7:00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.  (Will be open in this location on Tuesday, July 29 because we'll be closed in Madison)

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.




ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) The Center Plaza
289 Dakota Avenue South, Suite 5
Huron, SD 57350
Driver Licensing
24. Hyde County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Thursday 7:30AM-11AM and 12:30PM-3:30PM
All testing by appointment only -- call (605) 852-2510



ph. (605) 852-2510 Treasurer
412 Commercial Street
Highmore, SD 57345
Driver Licensing
25. Jackson County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

By appointment only -- call court house to schedule -- see times below.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday (closed on Wednesdays) - 10AM-Noon and 1PM-2:30PM. 

ph. (605) 837-2420 Register of Deeds
700 Main Street, PO Box 248
Kadoka, SD 57543
Driver Licensing
26. Jerauld County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Open 9AM-Noon and 1PM-4PM.

ph. (605) 539-1241 Treasurer
205 Wallace Avenue South PO Box L
Wessington Springs, SD 57382
Driver Licensing
27. Lemmon Driver License Office (City Issue)
Map It | Hours

This is a City-Issuance location.  This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

By appointment only -- Wednesdays and Thursdays 1PM to 3:30PM.  Call (605) 374-5681.

ph. (605) 374-5681 City Finance
303 1st Avenue West
Lemmon, SD 57638
Driver Licensing
28. Lyman County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This is a county issuance location.  This location cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM to Noon and 1PM-4PM (closed over the Noon hour).

ph. (605) 869-2295 Treasurer
300 Main Street PO Box 37
Kennebec, SD 57544
Driver Licensing
29. Madison Driver License Exam Station **Closed July 29 due to 4-H Days**
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesdays 9:00 a.m.- 3:45 p.m. (Will be closed on July 29 for 4-H Days -- open in Huron instead)

Applications for testing accepted until 2:15 p.m.  All other applications accepted until 2:45 p.m.



ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 4-H Building
1000 South Egan Avenue
Madison, SD 57042
Driver Licensing
30. Martin Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Fourth Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 2:30 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 202 Main Street
Martin, SD 57754
Driver Licensing
31. McPherson County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens, first-time CDL applicants, or process CDL renewals.

Tuesdays and Thursdays 9AM-11AM and 1PM-4PM


ph. (605) 439-3151 Register of Deeds Office
706 Main Street
Leola, SD 57456
Driver Licensing
32. Mellette County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM-11AM and 1PM-5PM

ph. (605) 259-3050 Register of Deeds
321 East 4th Street PO Box 183
White River, SD 57579
Driver Licensing
33. Milbank Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Thursdays 8:15 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 3:30 p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) City Hall
1001 E. 4th Avenue
Milbank, SD 57252
Driver Licensing
34. Mitchell Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesday - Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 1315 North Main Street Suite 100
Mitchell, SD 57301
Driver Licensing
35. Mobridge Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesday & Wednesday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.

No motorcycle drive tests at this site as of 10/15/2024. 

Directions to Mobridge Exam Station



ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) National Guard Armory
1213 Lakefront Drive
Mobridge, SD 57601 No motorcycle drive tests after 10/15/2024
Driver Licensing
36. North Sioux City Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Second, Fourth & Fifth Wednesday 8:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 3:30 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Community Center
205 Sodrac Drive
North Sioux City, SD 57049
Driver Licensing
37. Parker Driver License Exam Station**Currently closed due to conditions at Turner County Courthouse**
Map It | Hours

Closed currently due to conditions at Turner County Courthouse.  We would be happy to assist you at any of our other locations across the state.

First Tuesday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:00 p.m.




ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Court House
400 South Main Street
Parker, SD 57053
Driver Licensing
38. Perkins County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Thursday 7:30AM-5PM
Fridays - 7:30AM-Noon only


ph. (605) 244-5624 Finance Director
100 East Main Street PO Box 126
Bison, SD 57620
Driver Licensing
39. Pierre Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Wednesday & Thursday 7:00a.m. - 5:30p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30p.m.



ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 420 South Garfield, Suite 700
N of Wells Ave/Hwy 34, N of Holiday station
Pierre, SD 57501
Driver Licensing
40. Pine Ridge Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Closed from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. for lunch

Applications accepted until 3:00 p.m.





ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Airport Access Road
Highway 18 East
Pine Ridge, SD 57770
Driver Licensing
41. Potter County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Wednesdays by appointment only.  9AM-3:30PM
Call (605) 765-9414 to schedule an appointment.  


ph. (605) 765-9414 County Extension Office
205 West Commercial Northeast Suite
Gettysburg, SD 57442
Driver Licensing
42. Rapid City Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.  

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Corner of South Highway 79 and Catron Boulevard (Highway 16 Bypass)
1301 East Catron Boulevard
Rapid City, SD 57701
Driver Licensing
43. Rosebud Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

First, second, third and fifth Wednesday of the month

8:30AM to 4:15PM  (applications accepted until 3:15PM)

Closed from Noon to 1PM

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 2431 Legion Avenue
Tribal Building Annex
Rosebud, SD 57570
Driver Licensing
44. Sanborn County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 8AM to 3:30PM, excluding holidays.

ph. (605) 796-4512 Treasurer
604 West 6th Street PO Box 97
Woonsocket, SD 57385
Driver Licensing
45. Sioux Falls Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Corner of Russell and Kiwanis
2501 West Russell Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Driver Licensing
46. Sioux Falls Driver Licensing Express Station
Directions | Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location.**

Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday
7:30a.m. - 5:00p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:00p.m.

This location can handle any driver license service that doesn’t require testing (such as driver license renewals, out-of-state transfers, students who have completed drivers education within the last year, and new and renewal ID cards).

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 6010 South Minnesota Avenue, Suite 101
Kings Crossing - Corner of 69th and Minnesota Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Driver Licensing
47. Sisseton Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Wednesdays 8:15 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 3:30 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Former National Guard Armory
406 2nd Avenue West
Sisseton, SD 57262
Driver Licensing
48. Spearfish Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Wednesdays & Thursdays 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 

Applications accepted until 4:00 p.m.




ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) 120 Industrial Drive, Suite 3
Spearfish, SD 57783
Driver Licensing
49. Spink County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first time CDL applicants. 

First and Third Wednesdays of the month from 9AM-3:30PM by appointment only -- call (605) 472-4580

ph. (605) 472-4580 Auditors Office - 2nd Floor
210 East 7th Avenue, Suite 5
Redfield, SD 57469
Driver Licensing
50. Sturgis Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Fridays 7:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:15 p.m.

(Not open on Thursdays)


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Community Center
1401 Lazelle Street
Sturgis, SD 57785
Driver Licensing
51. Sully County Driver License Office (County Issue)**MUST SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT-CALL 605.258.2444**
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Friday 7:30AM-11:30AM and 12:30PM-4:30PM by appointment onlycall (605) 258-2444


ph. (605) 258-2444 Treasurer
700 Ash Avenue PO Box 265
Onida, SD 57564
Driver Licensing
52. Vermillion Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesdays  7:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:00p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Hallmark Square
11 East Cherry Street
Vermillion, SD 57069
Driver Licensing
53. Wagner Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

First & Fourth Thursday 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Drive tests are not conducted between 11AM and 1PM.

Applications accepted until 2:30 p.m.

ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) City Hall
60 Main Avenue Southeast
Wagner, SD 57380
Driver Licensing
54. Watertown Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesday-Friday 7:00a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.




ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Former Career Learning Center
2001 9th Avenue Southwest, Suite 100
Watertown, SD 57201
Driver Licensing
55. Webster Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 3:30 p.m.


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Court House Basement
711 West 1st Street, Suite 107
Webster, SD 57274
Driver Licensing
56. Winner Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

 Every Friday and the 5th Thursday of the Month  

7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.  Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.

*No customers will be able to access the building after 5 p.m.





ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Court House
200 East 3rd Street
Winner, SD 57580
Driver Licensing
57. Yankton Driver License Exam Station
Map It | Hours

**Click here to schedule an appointment to visit this location**

Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Applications accepted until 4:30 p.m.

Directions to Yankton Exam Station


ph. (605) 773-6883 (all calls go to Pierre Central Office) Human Services Center - Kanner Building
3113 Spruce Street, Suite 109
Yankton, SD 57078
Driver Licensing
58. Ziebach County Driver License Office (County Issue)
Map It | Hours

This location is not a state exam station and cannot serve non-citizens or first-time CDL applicants.

Monday - Thursday 7:30AM-11AM and 12:30PM-3:30PM.  Closed holidays and the last day of October.
Starting 9/1/2024 - You must call (605) 365-5173 to schedule an appointment to visit this site.

ph. (605) 365-5173 Treasurer
South Main Street PO Box 68
Dupree, SD 57623

58 results.