File a FUEL QUALITY Complaint
The South Dakota State Weights and Measures Program conducts routine inspections for meter validation at retail gas stations. If you suspect or have a fuel quality issue, you can file a complaint and the Inspection Program will follow up separately. During an inspection, we can check for octane ratings and monitor water in fuel tanks.
Fuel Quality Complaint Form
This form is a fillable .pdf form. You will be able to complete the form on your computer, save the document to your computer, then send it via email to the Inspection/Weights and Measures Program. We ask that you also scan and attach to that same email message any receipts or other documentation to support your complaint and assist us with our investigation.
Complete the Fuel Quality Complaint Form.
Consumer Protection and Food Complaints
Please contact our office by submitting a general contact form, or you may file a South Dakota Consumer Protection complaint with the Office of the Attorney General.
You may file a food complaint with the Department of Health.