South Dakota Highway Safety Priorities

The South Dakota Office of Highway Safety works to save lives and protect motorists by focusing on these key objectives:


Driver Awareness & Education


Seat Belt & Occupant Protection

Seat Belt & Occupant Protection: Enhance public awareness of seat belt compliance.

Impaired Driving, Alcohol & Drugs: discourage as socially acceptable behavior and create community coalitions. Identify and target high-risk populations and enhance media campaigns.


Motorcycle Safety: Promote motorcycle training courses, provide public education, enhance motorcycle hazard awareness projects.


Distracted Driving: Enhance public awareness of distracted driving dangers, including texting and driving.


Teen Drivers: Promote safety campaigns and initiatives aimed at teen drivers throughout South Dakota including underage drinking and driving.



"Beat Death - Don't Cheat It":  It is our responsibility to drive safely in all conditions and circumstances because death is always by our side when operating a motor vehicle.


Media: Provide sustained media to support roadway safety strategies.


Driver Education: Develop and promote safe driver training programs for all age groups and promote safe driving practices among teen drivers.


Enforcement, Data & Engineering

  • Enforcement: Increase high visibility enforcement efforts, coordination a strategic enforcement plan statewide and continue media support for enhanced public awareness.
  • Data & Technology: Evaluate data systems, develop a statewide data collection system to track trends and high-risk behavior more strategically, and develop a data site accessible by the public.
  • Engineering: Identify and evaluate potential hazards and maintain safety standards on the road.