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Agency Directory

Find contact information for personnel within South Dakota’s public safety agencies.

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Agency Name Phone Email
Homeland Security
Kami Thompson
(605) 773-6427
Emergency Management
Tina Titze
Director - Office of Emergency Management
(605) 773-3231
Homeland Security
Lyle Tolsma
(605) 367-5940
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Tommy Torok
Jefferson Port of Entry
(605) 773-4578
Kristi Turman
Deputy Secretary
(605) 773-3178
Highway Patrol
Captain VACANT
District Three Commander
(605) 394-2286
Accident Records
Vacant Vacant
(605) 773-3869
Accident Records
Vevette Walker
Program Assistant 1
(605) 773-5441
Highway Patrol
Lieutenant Caleb Walters
Assistant District One Commander - Field Operations
(605) 626-2286
State Inspections
Patrick Waltman
Inspector (Sioux Falls Area)
(605) 305-8332

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