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Agency Directory

Find contact information for personnel within South Dakota’s public safety agencies.

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Agency Name Phone Email
Accident Records
DPS Accident Records
(605) 773-3868 Email
Highway Patrol
Lt. Brandon Akron
Training and Standards Sergeant
State Inspections
Eric Anderson
Inspector (Pierpont Area)
(605) 377-5518
Highway Patrol
Lieutenant Zac Bader
Assistant District Three Commander - Field Operations
(605) 394-2286
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Shann Barrick
Rapid City Squad A
(605) 394-2286
Victims' Services
Anette Beasley
Director - Victims' Services
(605) 773-6317
Accident Records
Jessica Big Eagle
Program Assistant 1
(605) 773-3868
Highway Safety
Michelle Bland
Program Assistant
(605) 773-4949
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Tyler Boltjes
Vermillion Squad
(605) 367-5700
Highway Patrol
Colonel Casey Collins
(605) 773-3105
Fire Marshal
Paul Coon
Deputy Fire Marshal
(605) 685-4672
Fire Marshal
Hartmann Damon
Deputy Fire Marshal
(605) 381-0716
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Kristoff deKramer
Sioux Falls Squad B
(605) 367-5700
Driver Licensing
DPS Driver Licensing
(605) 773-6883 Email
Highway Patrol
Lieutenant Angel Duran
Assistant District Three Commander - Administrative Operations
(605) 394-2286
Highway Patrol
Captain Randi Erickson
District One Commander
(605) 626-2286
Kelli Erickson
Director - SDLETS
(605) 773-3105
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Ben Filipiak
Badlands Squad
(605) 394-2286
Fire Marshal
DPS Fire Marshal
(605) 773-3562 Email
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Jeremy Gacke
Crash Reconstruction Coordinator
(605) 394-2286
Homeland Security
Brett Garland
School Safety Program Specialist
(605) 773-3450
State Inspections
Meredith Gednalske
Inspector (Hill City area)
(605) 209-7170
Homeland Security
Jon Groen
(605) 367-4400
Highway Patrol
DPS Highway Patrol
(605) 773-3105 Email
Highway Safety
DPS Highway Safety
(605) 773-4949 Email
Homeland Security
DPS Homeland Security
(605) 773-3450 Email
State 9-1-1 Coordination
Jason Husby
State 9-1-1 Coordinator
(605) 773-3264
State Inspections
DPS Inspections
(605) 773-3697 Email
State Inspections
Eric Janke
Inspector (Aberdeen Area)
(605) 277-5537
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Levi Jensen
Aberdeen Squad
(605) 626-2286
Weights & Measures
David Johnson
Heavy Scales Inspector (West Region)
(605) 220-6515
Fire Marshal
Mike Jones
Deputy Fire Marshal
(605) 280-8165
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Jerry Kastein
Watertown Squad
(605) 626-2286
Highway Patrol
Major Jason Ketterling
Assistant Superintendent
(605) 773-3105
Highway Patrol
Lieutenant Matt Koll
Assistant District Commander - Field Operations
(605) 773-4578
Highway Patrol
Lieutenant Isaac Kurtz
Assistant District Two Commander - Administrative Operations
(605) 367-5700
Highway Patrol
Lieutenant Isaac Kurtz
DRE State Coordinator
(605) 367-5700
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Ryan Lantz
Chamberlain Squad
(605) 367-5700
State Inspections
Russ Lauritsen
Inspector (Chamberlain Area)
(605) 280-0291
State Inspections
Weights & Measures
Sheila Lee
(605) 773-3697
Angela Lemieux
Director - Division of Administration
(605) 773-3178
Highway Patrol
Amber Leyendecker
Business Manager
(605) 773-3105
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Chris Lindner
Sioux Falls Squad A
(605) 367-5700
Fire Marshal
Travis Lorimor
Boiler Inspector
(605) 773-3562
Fire Marshal
Aaron Lorimor
Boiler Inspector
(605) 773-3562
State Inspections
Todd Lowe
State Inspector
(605) 280-3559
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Grant Lubbers
Sioux Falls Port of Entry
(605) 773-4578
Highway Patrol
Sergeant Brian Lyons
Tilford Port of Entry
(605) 773-4578
Highway Patrol
Captain Robert Mayer
District Two Commander
(605) 367-5700
Fire Marshal
Paul Merriman
State Fire Marshall
(605) 773-3562

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