SD Fire Instructors Conference

1/11/20 - 1/12/20

Ramkota - Pierre, SD

It's time for the SD Fire Instructors Conference, its a great opportunity to expand your knowledge and become and even better Fire Service Instructor. This conference is NOT just for certified instructors, the information presented would be valuable to anyone involved with Fire Service Training regardless of whether or not they possess a SD Fire Instructors Certification. Cost of the conference is $40 with a $5 discount for early registration.. The registration fee helps cover the costs of the included morning and afternoon snacks and refreshments.


07:30-08:30 - Registration
08:30-12:00 - Class - Lt. Mike Roemmich, Lt. Mike Eliason & Firefighter/Paramedic Luke Nelson - NFA Q-133 Firefighter Safety: Calling the Mayday and NFA H-134 Calling the Mayday: Hands-On Training for Firefighters
12:00-13:00 - Lunch - (on your own)
13:00-16:30 - Class - 2 Breakout Sessions - 1. Introduction to the Mayday/Denver Drill Prop, discussion on prop materials and construction concept, Mayday Job Performance Demonstration & 2. Forcible Entry Prop Demonstrations and discussion on prop construction
(NOTE: Saturday afternoon session will have some hands on activity, please bring a helmet, gloves and eye protection)
16:30-17:00 - Ending comments and answer questions

08:00-12:00 - South Dakota Society of Fire Service Instructors Business and Annual Meeting
Sat. Class- NFA Q-133 Firefighter Safety: Calling the Mayday and NFA H-134 Calling the Mayday: Hands-On Training for Firefighters

This is an eight hour National Fire Academy training course. It requires the local authority having jurisdiction i.e. Training Chief, Fire Chief, State Training Director, State Fire Instructor to certify that the students have meet the psychomotor skill requirement to call a Mayday over their radio system. The firefighter must demonstrate the ability to call Mayday under various emergencies a firefighter my find themselves in. The minimums are: being trapped or lost in a room, having something collapse on them such as a ceiling, being hung/snagged on something such as wires, and falling through a floor or roof. These conditions must be simulated using various props with the firefighter in full PPE, SCBA, and portable radio in a blacked out face mask. The firefighter must send the Mayday call using whatever method is authorized by the AHJ; it must be received over the radio system then acknowledged by the firefighter. The firefighter must perform these skills at the master level, meaning 100% correct. The training package includes video, instructor's guide, skill check sheets and sample job performance requirements.

Participants will receive instruction on how to facilitate and proctor this training program within their local jurisdictions. Training shall include a demonstration of hands on job performance requirements and an example of a training prop that can be constructed for minimal cost and used repeatedly.

Instructors are as follows:

Lt. Mike Roemmich, Aberdeen Fire Rescue
Mike Roemmich has been in the fire/EMS service for nearly 29 years and currently is a Lieutenant with the Aberdeen Fire Rescue. He is a SD State Fire Instructor having taught various topics at several state and district fire schools. Mike is an instructor for ice rescue, rope rescue technician, Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) and the Nationally Registered EMT class. Mike currently holds board positions on the SD State Fire Marshalls Advisory Board and the SD Fire Instructors Society Board.

Lt. Mike Eliason, Aberdeen Fire Rescue
Mike Eliason received an Associate's Degree in Fire Science from Northland Community and Technical College in Grand Forks North Dakota. Mike is a Lieutenant with the Aberdeen Fire Rescue and been on the department for nearly 18 years. He is an active SD State Fire Instructor having taught at several SD Sate and District Fire Schools. Mike also teaches the SD State Certified Firefighter program to local fire agencies, usually administering multiple classes each year.

Firefighter/Paramedic Luke Nelson, Aberdeen Fire Rescue
Luke Nelson is a National Registered Paramedic and been with Aberdeen Fire Rescue for 11 years. He is a SD Fire Instructor and has taught classes at local fire agencies and district fire school. Luke is an instructor for rope rescue technician and a medical specialist for SD Task Force 1.

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