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State Inspections

Agency Directory

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Agency Name Phone Email
State Inspections
Eric Anderson
Inspector (Pierpont Area)
(605) 377-5518
State Inspections
Meredith Gednalske
Inspector (Hill City area)
(605) 209-7170
State Inspections
DPS Inspections
(605) 773-3697 Email
State Inspections
Eric Janke
Inspector (Aberdeen Area)
(605) 277-5537
State Inspections
Russ Lauritsen
Inspector (Chamberlain Area)
(605) 280-0291
State Inspections
Weights & Measures
Sheila Lee
(605) 773-3697
State Inspections
Todd Lowe
State Inspector
(605) 280-3559
Driver Licensing
Highway Patrol
Highway Safety
Fire Marshal
Homeland Security
Emergency Management
State 9-1-1 Coordination
State Inspections
Weights & Measures
Accident Records
Victims' Services
Robert Perry
Cabinet Secretary
(605) 773-3178 then press 5
Driver Licensing
Highway Patrol
Highway Safety
Fire Marshal
Homeland Security
Emergency Management
State 9-1-1 Coordination
State Inspections
Weights & Measures
Accident Records
Victims' Services
Brad Reiners
Director of Communications
State Inspections
Jeremy Rieger
Inspector (Summerset Area)
(605) 209-1658
State Inspections
Terra Robbins
Inspector (Sturgis Area)
(605) 206-1352
State Inspections
Clint Rux
Inspector (Aberdeen Area)
(605) 201-1031
State Inspections
Ann Marie Sailer
Inspector (Rapid City Area)
(605) 220-6659
State Inspections
Chuck Schmidt
Inspector (Brookings Area)
(605) 690-4449
State Inspections
Patrick Waltman
Inspector (Sioux Falls Area)
(605) 305-8332
State Inspections
Bob Weig
Inspector (Rapid City Area)
(605) 381-9874
State Inspections
Stacy Wildermuth
Inspector (Vermillion Area)
(605) 202-0792
State Inspections
Chad Wrightson
Inspector (Pierre Area)
(605) 295-1400

18 results. 10 | 25 | 50 per page.